kind of like guest blogging

“You know, most people don’t do that,” the farmer remarked off handedly as he tilled his vegetables.

“What?” the girl asked, genuinely curious, as always.

The farmer stood up straight, wiped his brow with his red kerchief and locked eyes with the girl. “Walk around with a flower in their mouth,” he replied, nodding to the phenomena.

This gave the girl pause, she tried to look down at the flower but her eyes got all crossed and made her dizzy. She looked up at the farmer and asked tentatively, “Why?”

He gave a long sigh and continued with his tilling, “‘Cause it’s strange, that’s why.”

“Oh…” She thought for a while, her bare toes stabbing idly at the dirt as she balanced on the other foot. “But it’s not strange that people don’t have flowers in their mouths?”

The old farmer snorted, “That’s right.”

The girl considered this further and said, “What do you call it when a girl has a flower in her mouth and yet is able to speak without it falling out?”

The farmer grinned and looked up at her, “Bad story-telling.”

photo by alois
text by kindelingboy

I could still fall in love with you

Does anyone know of a professional alteration shop that won’t break the bank?

I have a line on a fairly simple gown that I would like to be a bit more complex. Mostly the skirt ruched up with tulle put underneath as the green one is on this page, or with something on top, as the red one is, yes, flowery bits and all, if that’s easier. It’s about time I admitted myself a flowery bit of girlishness rather than have certain aspects of femininity drift blankly past me like a painted-eye shopping mall crowd after a fire.

  • the feeling of some love.

    Last Sunday I went to Seattle, and after a pleasant ride down with Brian’s friend, Jane, long silver hair, the pretty violet mannerisms of a relaxed bird, I found myself in the grand company of Eliza, who walks like she really means it and takes two hours to decide what to wear. It felt somehow like I was speaking with an echo of something I used to believe in. Three days of barely sleeping, being thrown into a car with a familiar stranger, a city I’m not familiar with. I felt like a game of jeweled cards was playing inside my head where I didn’t know the rules. I appreciated her friends, they were relaxing, a black clothes contingent to take my hand and keep me standing through my weary run. more pictures soon.

  • the feeling of my workplace.

    People have been repeatedly sending Robert Newman’s History of Oil to me the last few days. I am remiss in not posting it immediately, I’m sorry. (I forget more people read here). It’s a shining and clever monologue that discusses the critical political issues of war and energy use in an exceedingly accessible manner. He gracefully binds imperative information in laughter and ties it all up with a fun sense of charming levity, which may sounds silly, but it really needs to be seen to be properly understood. Watch it as soon as possible!

    Quote of the Day: Andrew: “I think it says bad things about me when I try and go to the site and get disappointed that no one has made it yet.”

  • I’m training the other guy today. he’s awesome because he’s not a keener

    Originally uploaded by Foxtongue.

    A Quartet Of Clips From Del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth.

    Does anyone know of some quick pick-up jobs? My days off sick from work last week, added to my place of employment deciding this month to haul our pay-period back a week, have left me painfully scrambling. They’ve never paid enough for me to have a buffer for this sort of thing. Taking out a week of pay is like assisted suicide. After buying a required bus-pass, I only managed to pay rent by using up my birthday money from my family, leaving me only $20 until the 15th, which will also be wretched, due to my being half a month behind now on all of my bills. It’s this sort of thing that’s been leading me to seek employment elsewhere, somewhere less financially murderous. I’ve been tracking down bagger & tagger jobs, the removal of corpses from crime scenes, but most of them want me to have a drivers license. Something else I don’t have money for.

    What do you regret?

    The Virtual Stage is putting on a free workshop presentation tonight 7pm at the Roundhouse, Spank! – a new absurdist sci-fi comedy by Andy Thompson (writer of The Birth of Freedom), starring John Murphy, (the Heretic). Ed of techno_fetish and Sam and I are going, maybe a few other people. As it’s free, you should too.

    the future as sexy

    Ed and I have made a new futurism community, techno_fetish, for scrying the internet for morsels of knowledge and skirting the singularity.

    Drop by with whatever’s new, whatever’s neat. Think DiePunyHumans, think cyberpunk. So far I’ve been cheerfully using it as a tab-dump. We’re looking for information, science of all kinds, gadgets of interest and critters that fascinate.