events: I might help with fireworks this year, yay.

Nerd Prom (sent from reader)
Originally uploaded by warrenellis.

Tonight, is Amanda‘s birthday party, a huge thing planned at Patti, Simon, Tyler, and Karen’s house.

Tomorrow, July 16th, is Quicky Culture Night downtown at Jervis & Davie. E-mail for directions. Remember to bring some sort of short piece of media to share!

Also, for those interested, it’s the day of the METRO MAKE-OUT: taking back first base for the second time. People are meeting at Broadway station at 6pm. I’d be up for it if I could offer more than enthusiatic hand-holding.

Monday, July 18th., Korean Movie Monday, where we’ll be watching Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter…and Spring.

Saturday, July 23rd, is Illuminares, the lantern festival at Trout Lake.

Saturday August 27 at 3pm is Zombie Walk Vancouver 2005. Starting from “somewhere horribly frightening” a horde of living dead will stumble en masse towards Mountain View Cemetery on Fraser St.

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