The plan is: A display of short visual pieces found or created by everybody. This means music videos, short films, weird art things, motion graphics, a short scene from a full length film etc. Not imposing hard time limits or anything, just use your best judgment.
There will be a projector with which to put things on the wall and the hardware to feed it anything in digital or DVD form. If it’s VHS you’ll need to bring a player with you (there’s plenty of cables though), find someone who can, or tell us in advance and we’ll try to dig one up. Drop James a line at jameseverett(at) to let him know if you’re coming and if you’re bringing more people with you. This is just so we have a rough idea of how many bodies to expect and can provide the complete address.
Downtown at Davie & Jervis, starting around 9pm this Saturday, July 16th.
Also, there’s talk of watching a Night With Kevin Smith tonight at my place. Go bother Andrew for details. I’m assuming it’s an early-ish start, around seven.