Among the lovely things I’ve discovered today whilst wandering the net, I stumbled across the fact that Mt. Kilimanjaro has lost it’s snow. Take that global-warming-is-a-myth-ers!
I’m up late in spite of the fact that I told myself I would go to bed when It occured to me. James put on Wasabi though, “Quite Possibly The Greatest French-Language, English-Subtitled, Japanese Action-Comedy Of All Time.”. It’s Luc Besson, which is a bit hit or miss, but as he’s partially to blame for Ong Bak, I’m sort of willing to let The Messenger slide under the carpet and give the floor entirely to his more scintillating moments of cinematography, like having Jean Reno as a sexy french ninja take on the Yakuza with a golf club overtop a stylish soundtrack. Having him play DDR is rather charming as well.