when you’re tumbling with nothing to do

He plays D&D and listens to George Rafferty.. Am I sick?

Jenn has canceled on me, so instead Andrew, Alli and I are going to wander downtown like youngster miscreants.

I think in my lack of sleep is wreaking destruction on my time distances. I may have double booked my Wednesday evening because I thought it was Monday today. I’ve planned dinner for seven:thirty, but I put my word in for a concert at the Cottage Bistro for eight:thirty. The musician who was kind enough to ask me said, “People dress up for it. Evening gowns and suits.” Then he looked me over, “We welcome cross dressing too.”

Now, rather than be insulted by his automatic assumption that I play drag king occasionally, I was incredibly curious as to how he knew. I’m standing in high heels and a fluffy girl rockstar coat, what sort of impression do I unconciously convey? If this were the first time, I might pass it off as an odd fluke, but this is the latest in a long chain. The places I might have been noticed are extremely few and far between. I don’t spend much time at Lick and the Drag Kings of Vancouver dissolved. They don’t put events up anymore, so this is just getting eerie. I want to know why I come across as a boy.

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