it’s only 99c at the supermarket

Every minute has been ushered in by pattering rain on the roof. Endless sound, sweeping waves of it. It woke me in the night and has kept me constant company today. I’ve been working the chat room, my intelligence being sucked away point by point by nattering children. Tonight we go dance with umbriel. They’re in town from Toronto, chance allowing us a chance to meet over in L.A. I like how life works out sometimes. If weather permits, Alastair and I are going to stay overnight in town. It would be a blessing of the highest order, but flooding may keep us away. The water is rising and sweeping over trees in some areas, the gutters rivers clocked at too fast an hour.

There’s a fire in the grate, joss sticks in with the quietly crackling wood. Thick scent rising like stars, curling smoke fists to the ceiling sky. It reminds me of a Saturday in the forest I may never actually have had, dreams of pine needles under bare feet and climbing gray stones. The summer feeling that the endless stairs leading up from a beach impart, sun sliding between the branches of tall evergreens to fall in patches that splatter the shade with gold and burnished brown.

This was in one of my spam-mail. I haven’t fact checked:

Upcoming production of Superman Returns, which is set to begin filming in Sydney
on March 3.

Also set to join the multimillion dollar production is Blue Crush star Kate
Bosworth as Lois Lane, the intrepid reporter who befriends the superhero’s alter
ego Clark Kent.

The pair currently star together in Spacey’s passion project and Oscar contender
Beyond the Sea, teaming up as Sandra Dee and the celebrated American crooner
Bobby Darin.

Newcomer Brandon Routh will play the Man of Steel in Warner Bros’ second major
superhero adaptation of recent times after Batman Begins, which was directed by
Christopher Nolan and stars Christian Bale and opens this summer.

It is understood Singer has been after Spacey to play the bad guy for some time,
and was only able to entice his Usual Suspects star by allowing the entertainer
to devote as much time as possible to his London-based duties as director of the
Old Vic.

Speaking to reporters Singer said the story was not an origins tale and centres
on Superman’s return to planet Earth after leaving many years ago.

This one came in spanish:

Cuando Bush adoptó su decisión de invadir a Irak y derrocar al régimen de Sadam
Husein en marzo del 2003, los éxitos en el campo de batalla fueron tan rápidos
que planificadores militares pronosticaron el retiro de unos 50.000 soldados en
el lapso de semanas, y más retornando a sus hogares a fines del 2003. En cambio,
la cifra de efectivos estadounidenses ha aumentado y se halla al nivel más alto
de toda la guerra. Entre los indicadores de que la situación enfrenta graves
problemas figuran estos Pese a los esfuerzos para crear una fuerza de seguridad
iraquí capaz de hacerse cargo de las tareas actualmente realizadas por soldados
estadounidenses, los resultados no son muy satisfactorios. La fuerza iraquí es
sólo la mitad de lo que los comandantes estadounidenses consideran necesaria
para efectuar la tarea. Pese a una exitosa ofensiva en noviembre contra el
bastión insurgente de Faluya, los rebeldes siguen siendo capaces de matar a
soldados estadounidenses e iraquíes en Bagdad, Mosul, y en otras partes, de
manera casi cotidiana. El jueves, en Bagdad, una bomba colocada al costado de un
camino mató a siete soldados norteamericanos. El viernes, un capitán de la
policía murió baleado por desconocidos que se desplazaban en automóvil cerca de
Abu Ghraib, al oeste de Bagdad. Un vocero militar estadounidense, el teniente
general Erv Lessel, dijo el viernes que lo peor todavía no ha ocurrido. “Creo
que el peor panorama es que ocurran una serie de horribles ataques que causen
numerosas víctimas de alguna forma espectacular en los días previos a las
elecciones”, dijo Lessel. “Hace un año, no se veían este tipo de cosas horribles

which babel translates to:

When Bush made its decision to invade to Iraq and to overthrow to the regime of Sadam Husein in March of the 2003, the successes in the battlefield were so fast that the planning military foretold the retirement of about 50,000 soldiers in the lapse of weeks, and more returning to its homes by the end of the 2003. However, the number of American cash has increased and it is at the highest level of all the war. Between the indicators of which the situation faces serious problems appear these In spite of the efforts to create a force of Iraqian security able to become position of the tasks at the moment made by American soldiers, the results are not very satisfactory. The Iraqian force is only half of which the American commanders consider necessary to carry out the task. In spite of a successful offensive in November against the insurgent bastion of Faluya, the rebels continue being able to kill to American and Iraqian soldiers in Bagdad, Mosul, and in other parts, of almost daily way. Thursday, in Bagdad, a pump placed to the flank of a way killed seven North American soldiers. Friday, a captain of the police died baleado by strangers who moved in automobile near Abu Ghraib, to the west of Bagdad. A American military spokesman, general lieutenant Erv Lessel, said Friday that the worse thing has still not happened. “Creo that the worse panorama is than happens a series of horrible attacks that cause numerous victims of some spectacular form in the previous days elecciones”, Lessel said. “Hace a year, did not see this type of horrible things

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