I apologize as much as I speak when I am tired

When I come home from SinCity I invariably smell like other people. Tonight my hands are spicy, a light fragrance with a vaguely familiar undertone, as if the man I brought home with me wears a scent that was worn by someone I used to know. In my hair is the dancefloor, dry stale air of the sort only found in night-time establishments, and a little bit of Matthew, who became more familiar as the evening wore on to morning, though I still can’t place where I know him from. I can sense that my sentences are fragmentary, but I’m far too tired to place the how or where of such matters. Certainties lie in the fact that my hands are shaking from fatigue and typing is difficult because of it, that Matthew is my friend in spite of my being unable to remember, that I am chilled, but there have to be effort spent before my bed will be free of cloth and clean clothing enough to burrow into, and that once again I’ve trusted someone with no definable reason beyond the fact that it was the right thing to do.

That last one. I like it that way, I think. At least, with what thinking is possible when the brain is immersed in such weariness. Soaked in it like the tea I just had, pale and warm and soothing. It’s five:ohthree now, perhaps by six I will be able to sleep. There is laundry to be collected from the room at the foot of the stairs. I’m not looking forward to it, however brief the excursion. It is a cold cement room in the basement, next to the car-park we have no access to, lonely because of it’s slothful utilitarianism. There is a hole in the wall, large enough for a small rabbit to fall through with ease, what leads directly outside, and the floor is made of dirty floorboards on top of damp cement, lint driven permanently into the cracks. It reminds me of cliche, though they all have to start somewhere, and this building is a good a start as any. Even the tenants themselves are slightly passe.

It seems the main floor is populated entirely with hookers, as evinced by they themselves and backed up slightly by the laundry I occasionally fish from the washing machine which they thank me for finding later, with the one exception of the one armed war veteran who has them scurrying over all the time. They dart, hiding, into his room when the front door opens and they are caught in the hall. My floor, the second, has a quiet married couple next to us, a single mother on welfare with two young children across the hall, and a mystery neighbor no-one has ever seen next to the back stairs. Upstairs is unknown but for the Native women who’ve decided that I am a playwright from my manners and dress. A convenient world that must be, I think, to have such pegs and holes. I must only be missing the cravat, as surely a playwright must have one. Haven’t these people seen Dickens? I would suppose in a better written script, I might be the art student, living with my best friend who drinks interesting alcohol with me and moans about the state of the world today. The film would give him an accent he does not have in real life.

National Circus School holds auditions across Canada

Deadline for Applications: January 15, 2005

The world-renowned National Circus School is coming back to hold auditions coast to coast in February 2005 for its circus arts professional programs. The School offers training to young people wanting to become circus performers. This year, auditions are taking place across Canada in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Halifax and Montreal during February 2005.

The School has trained most of the Canadian circus performers who are now working around the world. A pioneer in Canada, the School was instrumental in the emergence of circus companies like Cirque du Soleil, Cirque Eloize and the 7 Fingers. Within the first months following graduation, more than 90 per cent of the School’s graduates find jobs.

To be part of the next auditions tour in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Halifax or Montreal the candidates must complete the Application Form before the January 15, 2005 deadline. Application forms and a description of the audition as well as further information about the School can be found at www.nationalcircusschool.ca, or by e-mailing info@enc.qc.ca or calling 1-800-267-0859.

it’s always on my shift

Kidzworld’s been hacked. I signed on to an explosive cascade of disturbing porn, hideous images and broken programming. Think about that. When I claim they’re disturbing, it’s likely something fairly intolerable. I blocked the bulletin boards and they have since been shut down, as well as chat.

Andrew, are you still coming over? P’raps bringing a film would not be uncalled for after all. It’s not like I can leave, but I can certainly unglue from my machine. A salty sea of inappropriate content has rendered me useless for work, but I must stay on the off-chance that we get patched up. It’s going to be a laundry and tidy day.

FYI Vancouver folk – SinCity tonight.

like a lover I haven’t met yet.

The wind is picking up, thunder, the ocean sound of it relentless and sweeping. It fills me with sparks, heavy ones, arcing from my core. It’s the crazy weight of angels lifting me from the ground to cackle, fey and dangerous to any around. I want blood now. I want sorcery and magic and flame to burst from the sky to destroy illusions and pathology, dissolved by the wind like a child belief in parental infallibility. The power of it has sunk into my heart with thick fangs, teeth, taking and now. Thrillride soulseeker, coming down the mountain to steal your mind. Thoughts, playing, drowning, now beg. Time ticking by, a piano note a second, the impossible, impassable dreaming. Deadly craving force, it blasts open shutters and tears down doors – I love it. I want to taste it, the entirety of it’s full invisible body. I want to pull it into me, I want it to light my eyes with a vivid fire. Tear me down to another place, another time, like standing at the sea and screaming. The storm is here, it’s coming, shuddering, licking my tongue into a quivering need for shouting. I want to catch onto shadow and consume the substance, the intangible roar slipping down my throat to kiss me on the underside of my skin as thick as a cluster of grapes.

When you see over the sound, when abstraction takes on flesh, it’s time for a new absolution. The beat, the body, the building meat. It’s living, breathing without you, food stamp living in a tiny apartment looking out over a river. It’s out there, it’s somewhere, a needle in a jar of electricity. This wind could show me if it could speak. It would laugh out loud then give me directions to someone who would give me the most tender caricature of fucking. Ungodly heat in a frail human shell, I can’t take this weather. I want it, it’s visceral, if a lover were here they’d be stripped to the bone. Warm wet air, it’s sliding around me when I stand outside, it’s water I can breathe. Hesitate or want it and you’re a whore, I get it. A big free fall into a place I never went. Briar patch destiny, standing out in velvet, just bring it on. I want to try at least once, this weather seed, this terrible tree wrenching heave. Gray doesn’t apply finally, this is the on off switch, a bloody hate machine of tangled veins and chemical needs. Dualism and I don’t know how to talk to the looking glass without you.

I’m sensing a time-theme

Five in the morning can be sweet. Sweet like nostalgia waiting to be made. I feel like a scene from a film, a three minute bit where the girl is sitting with a keyboard in her lap and typing like she has something to say. My room certainly has enough props. Feather wings, faerie wings, a hunting horn, some feathered masks… My Bare legs stretched out before me, I’m not quite cold in spite of being in my underwear. I’ve got a mans shirt on, the pre-requisite one size too big for me. The LEDs twined through my hair might be construed as a bit untraditional, but I don’t care. It’s between midnight and dawn, I’m allowed whatever I feel like.

On the table there’s three red velvet boxes stacked one atop the other in descending size. I don’t know entirely what I’m going to fill them with, but I’m getting there. I went out shopping with Ray today. We went out to a mall, a rather far-away one, the other side of Burnaby Mountain, and got what we came for before escaping for dinner. We’re not very original people, we never know where to eat. Unfailingly, if a group of us get together and someone suggests dinner, we will have only three or four suggestions. Zubees downtown, Wasubi’s on the Drive, Martinis on Broadway by Main, or sometimes, but rarely, the Greek Restaurant on Robson what has the stunning bellydancer.

Tomorrow, when I’m out, I’m going to pick up stamps. There’s someone in Quebec who’s getting a letter in realtime sometime soon and my Painter deserves his package finally. The last one seems to have gone missing in the mail. It might have been the opium, but that doesn’t excuse his lack of dress-shirt. He left his darts here and as much as I like having a solid reminder of his presence, I know it would mean more if I were to send them back to his frozen city. He’s doing the upcoming Suicide Girls show too, so that cements it. However small, I have to send him a weapon of some sort. With his luck, he’ll need one. I want to send cards out too, like I did when I was little. A snippet of something in every folded page, a good-luck charm of a thing unexpected. I’m stronger now, my inspiration still non-existent, but maybe that’s beginning to be enough for me.

My music is soft, soothing, but I don’t feel like sleeping quite yet. I should, I will need to force myself back to a diurnal schedule. I need to buy groceries at some point. Right now, though, I’m happy to write story seeds over chat to my friends, little fluttering pieces of violence. The word haberdashery is open. Paragraphs hidden in violin cases under black coats, I like it. The image of Up For Sale and mirrors splintering, exploding into a thousand silver hologram reflections as I fire words at them. It’s facetious, but an image I’m deciding to keep for later, as if one day I’ll know what to do with it.

Ah, my tongue and teeth. They’ve been superseded by fingers and recorded breath.
I’m still popping my plosives, but I’m beginning to think it might be the mike.
Now if I could only get my damned cam to stop damping down the contrast…

you win

Originally uploaded by Foxtongue.

Three unrelated letters from three different countries from three discontinuous time-zones.

They all tell me to go to bed.

That is some seriously weird peer pressure.

The computer whisper me to sleep under my jazz lullabye music, I think I’m going to go dream about my modern world.

.. I think I’m starting to like it here.

we ARE the breaking news

Alrighty – I have just patched my brain in, beam me the hell up – I have just discovered that I scooped CNN News with a link that I’ve been tossing around to people tonight.

Someone posted with this link, which helped to find this link. The event happened at 10pm, Ohio time, and we’ve been posting it before 11pm pacific.

Basically, at a concert in Columbus, featuring Damageplan (a metal act featuring former members of Pantera), an unnamed man jumped on stage and began firing what witnesses describe as an extended series of shots at various members of the band. Former Pantera and current Damageplan guitarist Dimebag Darrel was shot and killed. At least two others (and possibly as many as four) are reported dead; conflicting reports state that former Pantera and current Damageplan drummer Vinnie Paul is also among the killed, but it seems that he’s only wounded.

the word is the way

THURSDAY the 16th at 8 pm Andrea Papineau and Damon Morris bring us this month’s installment of THE SOUND AND THE WORD at the Misanthropy Gallery (http://www.misanthropygallery.com/, 440 W. Pender up the back stairs), featuring SHANE KOYCZAN (the word), C.R. AVERY (the sound), and more guests.

EDIT: the date was posted wrong – I’m actually ging to be at a friends fetish show, but hey! This is the best alternative to that that I can think of. so go anyways.

I recommend you do the same if you live in Vancouver. Misanthropy is turning into a nice place to visit and the people at such affairs are only short of having the word wonderful for blood.

and for today, from Mike, because Pearl Harbour should be remembered and for the veterans I thanked who thanked me back, here is WWII according to Hollywood:

and for those interested in vintage fashion