Today has been an amusing day. I woke up to the ferret, the alarm, the phone, then the phone again, (which was really the last straw), and yet Ethan has the superpowers of a log. He slept through all but the ferret, (which goes to show the creature is just as insistent as I thought), leaving me to my computer for a few interesting hours. His eyes finally crawled open at two, at which point after much muttering and attempting to wake up, we went for breakfast and pie. The pie was a second thought and we ate it by hand in the park. Organic blueberries and Skatia asleep in my lap. When we stepped from my house, I immediately turned back, “No – today I need my camera”. It was crisp, it was ethereal and so real all at once. A mix of golden leaves and blue blue sky. I was organized. I was prepared. I had camera and film within three minutes of stepping in but I found that once I’d snapped in the film, I hadn’t batteries. Such is life. We walked toward trees made of Tim Burton films and Ethan told me simply to enjoy it. Didn’t help much, I wanted to show everyone. “Give it to the people who aren’t here”. The pie almost made up for it. We sat in the park with orange juice and bakery wraps until the sun went away. Two little girls came up to us and the more talkative one asked me the best question that anyone has ever asked me of my ferret. “Is he made of blood and bones?”
Another nicety of the day is something I found on my “friends” page:
Kyle’s doing. He’s adorable. Really. Multiplay is the arcade that Victoria’s family owns that both her and Kyle work at on the weekends. That is not the slogan sadly, but this proves to me once and for all that my photography isn’t half bad. Why would people still be playing with it a month later otherwise?
What will make this day memorable though, even more so than Kyle’s fascination with my breasts, was my moment of utter brilliance earlier tonight.
I asked Angus out.
I think on a date.
By accident.
We were saying hello after the bi-weekly Cafe Du Soliex poetry slam and as he gave me a hug I said to him, “Hello! I’m going to ask you out now. Want to go to a movie?” at which point the dialogue continued inside my head, “wait – you just used the word out. … fuck” as he lit up delighted. Yes, the glorious scotsman Miss Svelt. I am a bad, bad person. I love the man dearly, so I was glad to mayhap rescue myself with a bit of wit, “This isn’t a date thing, is it? I thought only kinky people went on dates”, but I think I’ve sort of tied a knot to hang myself with. Or at least one for his roommate who was rather in love with me. Yeah. I should learn this whole semantics thing a bit better before talking with humans. I’ve written something for his roommate now that I very much need to say sometime. Get up at the mike and speak. I don’t know how well it will go over. I can’t say what I’ve written isn’t tripe, as I simply do not know. I think I’m doing it anyway. Damn the torpedoes because before? Torpedoes were mines, not rockets.