working at home has so many plus-sides

Ripped from dreams by a nerve tearing alarm-clock wasn’t particularly nice, but shutting it off was. I was too tired to bother attempting to wake up. I was still too tired when it went off the second time. I knew I had a good hour and half before work, so again I shut it off and fell back into dreaming of streets and people. The third time, however, that I woke up, I looked at the clock and discovered it was exactly the time I need to sign into work. It wasn’t panic that set it, more of an “oh bloody hell” self irritation. Nothing spectacular. That bit came when I was rather forcefully reminded that I can’t actually put any weight on my left leg when I hurriedly tossed my covers off and attempted to bounce over to my computer. I will fully admit that it was a moment of unabashed stupidity. It was also a moment the dogs a block over could likely hear.

I am not going out tonight.

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