your hands around my throat

I went for TV On the Radio. There could only have been twenty of us there who knew who they were. As I said to Ben, I have never been in a room with so many people with bad hair. I was sneered at in the hipster crowd for moving to the music. It was slightly fuzzy, vocals not high enough in the mix, but still enchanting. The thing I will remember long past this, though, is something entirely different.

The keyboardist for The Faint can Dance.

I stood pushed against the stage not feet from him, the man there in the middle. Holding my place stubbornly with my elbows, even the couple having sex up against me was worthwhile to watch him. So utterly captivating I couldn’t looked away. I had to remember to breathe. I didn’t know people could move like that. I want footage. I want an hour of this man moving to music with nothing else in the way. Google says his name is Jacob Thiele.

I’d never heard of them before, but now I’m hooked. Ferociously fun distinguishing synth drenched rock with the settled hungry grooves of people who know how to make music. Tasty notes to throw your body around. Falling into that dancing because no-one should be able to twist like that. Balls of the feet twirling around, thrumming with it. I’m enthralled.

Beep Beep didn’t make it past the border.

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