For the dreaded meme, I’m going to try another one. This attempt is going to stem from a conversation we had yesterday. Lately she’s been only writing about killing.

For Javina:
The sky is gray today. Gray like it always is here, but I can’t see it. I can only see the violent swirls of colour emanating by the cites residents. Everyone’s thoughts, brainwaves exposed. I’ve learned to live with it, though I don’t have sex anymore. Too much information. My doctor thought I was making it up when it happened. He put me on meds. Didn’t do a damned thing, the meds, just made me slightly crazy. I just quit one day, they didn’t even notice when I stopped updating my prescription. Like they care. The medical community would love what I can see if they knew. Murder is a dark blue. There’s one over there, over to the east of that tall building. I know why he’s done it too, because of the yellow. He thinks it’s because of his mothers constant nagging, but really it’s because he wants the money. Idiot doesn’t even know his own damned brain. Hardly any of them do, actually, except you. Least you’ve pure motives. Ever see that movie Man Bites Dog? Yeah – you remind me of the lead character. Killing for the easy money in it. They banned that one, a few countries. Didn’t like seeing themselves so clearly, I guess. I saw it before it happened, I should try it again sometime. I think you should see it. Come on – let’s go rent it. Right now, let’s go.