perhaps a non-geisha : excuse the goth

In spite of myself, I’m fascinated. It’s like gamelan, this ripple of technology weaving notes into a complicated person on the other end. Vapour trail of tiny notes. Letters turning into words, letters turning into a conversation between them back and forth. With the last sound I get the distinct feeling that I’m caught. Hooked on this tiny music, snared. I wish you dreaming of silk.

I booted off the boy who wanted my company this evening. Told him pipe dreams aren’t allowed wednesdays. The wind-down effect is still on though. We’re messaging over his phone and I’m out-lining what his night gets to be. Taking the weight of thinking off after ten hours at the office being in charge of sheaves of crew. I decided today it’s time to go through the distressing pictures. I’ve pulled out the scanner from under the movie shelf in the livingroom. My roommate has handed me over the webcam, though I’m not certain why. I suppose this means I can try my hand at creating images again. Vignettes for the world to stumble onto. The tech is creeping into my room, hooked up to my glowing life.

I’ve run out of Flickr space this month and Fotobuilder is glitching again. Bastard things. I think I’ll use Multiply, as it seems to work, though Warren and I managed to break it yesterday. Watch me find a bloody limit on how many pictures it will let you host. The hands of angels can’t keep up with my multi-tasking some days.

I was going to take them apart before posting them, but on reflection decided to post the ones I hadn’t gotten to yet. They’re almost interesting this way. These were all taken by Bill earlier this year. There were twelve that were salvageable. The rest.. simply don’t ask.


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