I am at liberty : no secrets

Your voice, it’s hovering over my mind. The paper of your skin I can
bring to mind, but your voice, it’s like a satellite I can’t take
down.. I’m waiting for the signal to transmute to sound, but I won’t
call you to take it. I can feel it, next to me. It slips away, like the
sleepless nights full of words we say.  It will be a gift you can
give me, like your name in my mouth. 

I walked into this not expecting anything. Now I feel like I’m climbing
through an echo. The innocence is open again. It is too perfect that we
both carried the people and not the names.  Meeting you is
creating realizations. Seventeen. The age of those shiny magazines with
thier plastic smiles that only exist in my doctors office. I didn’t own
a dress then and my hair was still the colour of damp straw.  I
was reading out the day I knew you were leaving when you watched last
night. I am falling.

I’m not at liberty to say
How a secret
message came for you today

For a moment I wondered what  would happen when I met you
again. Simple and colour clean. A moment in a black and white movie –
all lines and movement. I told you and you made my eyes catch thier
breath with only one phrase.

I’m like a mirror baby
I refract light back
at you
So silent, so thin, so tricky now
We do the things that lovers

I’m not at liberty to say
How a secret message came for you
It holds the secrets of my heart and my mind
It tells of vast
expanses stretching backwards over time

Two objects at equal
Acting as if they care
Does weight follow mass in this
Oh, E equals MC squared

I’m not at liberty to say
How a
secret message came for you today
It holds the secrets of my heart and my
It tells of vast expanses stretching backwards over time

rasputina : secret message

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