would it be shabby if I gave you my number now?

“I must look like such a preppie. I’m standing outside Lick with an unlit cigarette, talking into a cellphone.” I love that I have a friend who will call me when she’s inebriated at lesbian bars. It’s somehow a sign that my life is somewhere out there clawing it’s way to places I want it to nest. Also – it’s a good counterpoint to the conversation on-line I’m having fitfully with Micheal. “Has anyone lately told you you’re beautiful?” “Yes. A few lately. One, a poet, is quite good at it.” “Good, because you are. Am I creeping you out?”

Here I am. Not on camera, but at my computer. It’s been a day of interesting times. I seem to have hooked up with my first Love, which in itself is slightly insane. No contact for five years or so, then suddenly – I’m visiting Calgary and I can feel him smiling over the internet. The world conspires. We did the internet datey thing and sent one another pictures. *wonders how different self is on the outside* I know I’m taller now, if nothing else. Dominique was on the phone with me and trying to talk me into sending him naughty photos. The last time we saw eachother, I think I was halfway through being seventeen. (How barely legal is that?) I was late to meet Sophie by an hour and forgot to pick up Robin completely.

She had been downtown delivering a portfolio someone had left on the bus. She reminded me right off about Robin and so we headed off to nab him, though he’d left long before. Broadway and Commercial in the scorching heat. It really does beat down, though the ordinary cliche leaves something to be desired. We took shelter in the shade at Grandview park and talked about nothing in particular. Her boy, my neigborhood. There was a juggler there who watched us watching him as he practiced on the unicycle. We talked with him a few minutes, but he was more interesting from ten feet away. Clouds rolled up, promising rain but tauntingly. The heat remained oppresive, with nothing to show but a few feeble drops. We went afterwards to spite the warmth by making cookies. We failed. Ingredients were bought, but nothing came of it. Not baking-wise at least. Ada was visited and we ran into Dan Vie. The Mad Hatters Tea Party sounds to be splendid. I’m sharply disappointed that I’ll be missing it, but at least I have the satisfaction of knowing that some of the costumes are of my design.

Once here I called a few people. Arranged for Ray to come over and Robin. With thier arrival came boxes. Sweet random brown-paper treasures. Mis-labeled and full of unknown items. I cleverly stabbed myself to the bone opening boxes with my filleting knife. Go me. Plus – another birthday present. We now have movie capability! Films must be collected for the christening. A dying television and a Video/DvD player. Now, for the certainty that my video camera isn’t totally hooped and a digital projector to complete the set. It would be simply Jhayneporn. I almost get squirmy thinking about it. *grinning* I think for now I’ll be working on getting myself a digital camera though. Hopefully a better one than the one I gave to Jeff. I don’t know how I could stand a picture stick.

After my brilliant adventures in soaking rags in blood and the gear was set up, it was decided we were in need of an Ikea trip. I felt a bit incongrous. The girl who colour co-ordinated with everything they sell. “New! Young Girl! Special Sale!” I swear – if Ikea sold clothing, what I’m wearing today would be an example. Bookshelves were eventually found. Praise the swedish megamart. Haven of sense and stylized useful. Ray was amazing and built the thing in my room with only one piece going missing. It’s a skill he has. Course, it is the single piece that will be the most painful to tread on, but there you go. He’s my hero for the day. Well – afternoon. Evening. Latter half of the diurnal cycle. A hero, at any rate.

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