Well – I seem to have come home with a vengeance. Amazing how it’s
possible to convey assumptions into conversation that have nothing to
do with words or inflection. That must be one of my favorite parts of
language. The subtly altered conversations. If I start seducing that
circle of friends, I am so doomed. Dominique gets to laugh at me.
*in the dark surrounded by glowing stars*
“I was just talking with a friend of mine today about how it would be
be good for me to have a two week fling with someone intelligent who
wouldn’t treat me as property”
“too bad I’m not intelligent then”
Thanks to the world for beautiful people.
I’ve come home to my fish and my computer. One is happier than
the other. I just walked down the Drive with Prospero, stopping briefly
to say hello to Ada. The sun is brighter than it seemed to be when we
first got up, blinking. I don’t know who else I’m seeing today, but I
sincerly am hoping to share another bed sometime this week. Waking
happier. It’s so alone otherwise. My double-bed feels empty, like I’m
trying to sleep with the wind.
“I thought that at a certain point, boys tended to grow up a bit”
“where’s the advantage in that?”
damn the french