Ghods – I need to stop long enough to breathe. Today I get up, write a short blurb on last nights insane dedication to art, then off to nab Robin. We’re to be getting him clothes today. We meet Grady on the way down and that takes half an hour. He won’t call me, but that’s alright. It will take me likely a month or more to get around to calling him, so I suppose we’re even. Some lines change relationships. Once you’ve shown yourself to be something to me, that you professed never to be, perhaps I’ll never forgive you. Still, nice to see him, catcheek fuzz and all. We passed him off onto someone else then promptly ran into Jaques LaLonde.
He’s a bit scruffy looking right now. He’s taken a part at Storyeum, as the goldpanner who started Vancouver. Never have I been so happy to see him. I continually expect some sort of recrimination from everyone over my breakup with Bill, but all I’ve recieved is support and stronger friendship for it. Jaques most of all so far, perhaps because his deeper understanding of the involvement and it’s parts. It was a relief somehow. Now I know there will be no strained conversation with anyone. Plus, well – experienced flirts are just damned nice sometimes.
We ended up at his place briefly, then to coffee with Ellen.
When I have another minute, I’ll remark a bit on that too, but Ian’s arrived, so I suppose I should actuially go eat something before he forces me to.