Sun: films with James until late –>sleep

Mon: sleep in – Last Samurai –> Adrians = forget buspass/money anyways –> chocolate cake on the Drive – Nathanial = Gavins info –> talk in park –> films with James until almost dawn – sleep

Tue: meet up with Sophie & Pedro –> fountain splashing, busride, bayshore –> coal harbour cruise – sophie & I talking –> aquarium = no sloths = belugas –> coffeeshop, Deli-Llama ice-cream, Jack & Rebecca –> James place = pick up camera –> sushi place with Sophie = Jeff going away party – Mark & Paul –> kareoke = pained ears – sophie = girlsongs –> skytrain with Sophie & Jeff & Jude & Vincent –> Adrians – computer chat – Jeff –> sleep

Wed: nothing??

Thur: fight computer –> call Bill = nothing sweet –> Sophie at Skytrain = moving into Dominiques –> 8:30pm – Jeff – flowers –> Paul –> Marc – cat = love – computer/card problems –> Joe’s –> Gelati –> Brittania rooftop = ouch –> Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead – couch puddle –> Willow dawn –> Jeff crash = couch = no more puddle –> Marc talking –> 8 am – one hour nap –> Fri: breakfast @ Cafe Du Soliex –> Adrians = computer = Dereks birthday today –> Robin outing – Drive wandering – Value Village – Opus –> 7 pm – meet Ethan –>wander the Drive –> send Robin home –> Skytrain – Chris briefly –>Adrians –> Jeff chat –> Derek birthday = Derek, Adrian, Ethan, Victoria, Kyle, Diana, Dianaboy, Ian, Tim, Neal, Marcella (briefly) – Rasputina ticket – Beastmaster – chocolate cake –> 2am – Adrians – 44 hours no sleep = sleep on couch.

Sat: pain from climbing –> work –> Aiden housewarming —> sleep on couch

Sun: work –> pick up sophie from work, over to her new place (dominique & mike) —> James for all night movies miss bus = miss sophie at Famous Foods = walk to Sophie’s new place, 33rd & Fraser = Dominiques & Mikes = no-one home = break in, use phone to call Sophie, meet up —> walk Commercial to Broadway —> Wazubi’s –> Terri Diane, dinner, boy sighting, dessert —> walk up Drive = Jeff at Broadway —> Terri’s place —> park, swingset talking, Sophie home –> James’s place = James asleep = continue walking —> Pebbles at window —> welcome & happy —> awake till dawn —> sleep

Mon: Brief awake with child & dad = french I didn’t know I had –> breakfast, child, meeting the other housepeople, more child with delightful boy —> out with James —> Anti-American religious free Iraq rally thing –> IMAX – lions —> Deli Llama –> Loomis (closed early due to apparent holiday?)–> Cafe Du Soliex Poetry Slam Finals @ 8 = line-up = Sophie = don’t get in = 9:20 —> Super-Value = lime sorbet, scissors –> Cutting Sophie’s hair in Grandview Park in the dark with blunt scissors! = best haircut ever had *victory* —> back up Drive, listen to poetry outside, get in at intermission —> Ethan, Victoria, Kyle, Adrians hat –> Shane & CR Avery= winning —> walking up drive = buying flowers = leaving flowers down Drive & with random people —> Buckowskis with all the slammers = table with Shane, Angus, Sophie & Leif = terrible good jokes —> walk up Drive —> leave flowers for boy, laugh at self for being a stalker —> driving = by sophie’s new place = adrians –> now = 3 am –> sleep on couch

Tue: noon propwork for Alices Mad Tea Party —> Watership Down at Shane’s —> LiveJournal meetup 8pm at Sweet Confections

Wed: Rasputina Concert = dancing finally?

Thurs: The official Toast with Shane –> paint furniture with Sophie —> poetry release party at the Drink

Fri: ??

Sat: work —> Switch to new number of years survived by one year

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