may nineteeth, in the year two-thousand and four PT II

The bus ride itself was painfully bouncy. We girls had to fortify ourselves against the relentless jolting and the boys laughed, but were kind. (As kind as we ever are in groups, I suppose). Ouur route didn’t particularly go anywhere, back and forth meandering alomost ever street in Vancouver, and the driver had an amusing tendency to make silly noises inadvertantly over the microphone. There was a little girl on board we all made faces at who waved us goodbye when we we decided to get off at the Bayshore for the Coal Harbour tourcruise. I think Sophie wants one.

We walked around the outside of the hotel, along the water, rather than cutting through. We were late for the boat, approching in time to see it paddle off, but we certainly didn’t mind. There was a park to go lounge about in, laying in the grass to eat our candies. Walking along the water is always more pleasant, though the water was brackish and terrible. There was such a layer of gunk that we were surprised to discover jellyfish in the water by the dock where we recieved our tickets. I’d never seen one before not in a tank. The tickets were amusing in a silly sort of way. The had Pedro and James’ names on them and the word escort on capital letters. Exactly the sort of fodder for our war of wit conversations.

may nineteeth, in the year two-thousand and four

Today was a wonderful day, full of people/trust/kissing/singing/love/secrets. I woke surprised last night by James(a new moment, one that had never happened before. I suppose things have been shifting again lately, we mustn’t speak of certain things before dreaming), but fell asleep to be woken again this morning. I was tired, but not too much to bear. I knew I would burn today and I have. The white borrowed shirt with it’s attractively stiff collar didn’t protect my face from the fusion. Bright red angry skin. The cool cloth seems to tear me.

We met with Sophie at Broadway and Commercial and Pedro at Waterfront. From there we walked to the Pan Pacific, where I briefly imagined Andrew dying in his suit and tie, locked in a plain white room with nothing but seemingly expensive utilatarian furniture. We were luckier in our destination. There is a water fountain out front and there we parked, waiting for the double decker bus. I eventually kicked off my shoes and went from soaking my feet to full on public fountain wading, skirts hiked up my thighs and still getting the hems wet. I liked walking where you wanted to take pictures of me. When do I get to see them? You made me feel appreciated somehow in a way I don’t think about. Sophie splashed around too, though I think the photos will say I was likelier to get in trouble with the authorities.

When the bus came we sat in the back on top, taking over the entire section. The pairing for the day had begun, James and I on one side and Pedro and Sophie on the other. The tour began with pointing out “interesting” shopping opportunities and the “fascinating” architecture of other local places one could also spend money in. “On the left we see the only stone church in downtown Vancouver. Thier doors are open almost every day to anyone”. Sophie pointed out that due to the renovations there was DANGER TO ENTER tape up in front of the doorways. More than appropriate for a so-called house of ghod.