The rules: Put your playlist on random, and from the first twenty songs (regardless of cheese factor) post the first few lines [if the tune has no words, you are allowed to skip it] – then let the people try and guess in comments. Don’t put any clues (title, artist, anything that will give away the song). Songs guessed correctly will be striked out.
Day: May 3, 2004
news flickers
New teeth ‘could soon be grown’
Technology to grow replacement teeth could mean the end of dentures. Scientists at King’s College London have been awarded £500,000 to help them develop human teeth from stem cells. The company Odontis, set up by the college, hopes to develop its research for tests on humans within two years after successful research on mice. |
alice’s mad tea party info
SOLSTICE Sunday, June 20th (Father’s Day)
Trout Lake Park, West Bank
Time: 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Come as any character from “Alice”,
play croquet & eat cucumber sandwiches!