Sunday events

Tomorrow is the Fools Parade.

Noon starting from the Aquatic Centre.

At seven there’s a gamelan perfomance inside Robson Square. Don’t be tricked, you must go INSIDE to get to the concert hall. Inside and downstairs.

I will try to bring the camera, but I wish I were in Toronto today.

boys:girls was creepy

We went to Hellboy and it was good. I knew nothing except that there were to be ninja cyborg nazis.

I was not disappointed by anything but the very ending, and for those who have not seen it, I shall say nothing except that the anti-clmax is ridiculous. Because that’s where it ends.


It was nice that I knew so many people there, but it’s bothering me unbelievably that I could not remember who the fellow was who sat in front of us. He knew me back, so I was not wrong in thinking we were in common, but oh the agony. Where from? I think James now in retrospect, but… Gah. It WAS a James. It was the fellow who hooked up with the hairless girly from the states…. *sighs* Why now do I know this?