I just noticed that there’s a Klimpt in NIN’s the Perfect Drug video. Never saw it before.
And does anyone else notice the resemblance between Trent Reznor and Frank Zappa?
n: vb: the spice of imagination
I just noticed that there’s a Klimpt in NIN’s the Perfect Drug video. Never saw it before.
And does anyone else notice the resemblance between Trent Reznor and Frank Zappa?
sorry – I ate the cheezy garlic bread. It was me. Yes. Me.
*hangs head*
it just smelled so yummmmyyyyyyyyy…..
{Certain Tori Amos sounds like it belongs in the backround of a girl-oriented video game. A first person shooter with sparkles.}
I went to the house today. He sent me a letter asking to call. I went to a job interview, checked out the burned out church, bought a flower, and unexpectedly was found on the doorstep. (After I knocked, of course).
After the usual blundering defensiveness, things actually went very very nicely. I skipped when I walked, I smiled when I thought.
It’s nice.
This morning I’ve a job interview. I’m not even sure for.
Afternoon I hope afterwards I get packing done. No Boy today, so perhaps I can get something done. I have finally been asked to call Him.