“Hick darling…I couldn’t say je t’aime et je t’adore as I longed to do, but always remember I am saying it, that I go to sleep thinking of you.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt, in a letter to Lorena Hickok
Day: February 28, 2004
It’s been a hard few days. The veneer is wearing thin. I feel as if any moment I will crack and shatter into a thousand pain shaped pieces. My mask of congeniality is brittle. Spun of sugar and solid as false glass.
The couch of
I have to go to the house today first, and that makes me scared. I don’t know if I’d rather He was away or at His home.
Anyhoo – arrangements have been made whilst I was on-line.
I don’t know what else to say. I wish I were happy.
day 2
I miss you at night beside me. The absence of fire.