I made my effort and nothing came of it. He didn’t make any at all, except to be frustrated with me when I wasn’t being happy. He acted as if he was alone all day, except for the ten minutes after he realized I’d given him a gift.
Frejasday, I’d missed taking Robin out, because the boy stupid had skipped school. No telling me of course – I had to miss work and arrive at the school to find out he hadn’t been there. So Satyrday I was to grab him and my cheque form the government. I called mum at home, though not her cellphone. When I told Bill this, he asked why not – I didn’t say because it was Valentines…
After the boy and I went out and wandered, Bill met us and we stopped into a video shop. Perhaps he’d like a movie? Perhaps he’d warm to sitting in front of the telly, like every other night. No go – not a chance. No kindness here – no warmth. I sent the boy off once the film idea was cut. Walking down Commercial and telling him how I feel to only to get scorn in return came next. I left him to get on a bus and then went on alone.
The cold bit me and so I stopped. Public transport scooped me up. “One of these new scientifically proven busses – the back actually arrives at the same time as the front”. There was an anti-valentines party and I couldn’t think of a better place to go. Too many happy couples giggling down the Drive. Too many happy people.
Alicia’s was nice. People I hadn’t seen in months welcoming like I’d been lost forever and finally found. Terrible sugary candies that stuck in your teeth and told you they hated you. Almost everyone in black. Fitting, I thought – how lovely, I thought. It will be hours before I think of going home.