blah – circumstancea have been chaging my plans and changing my plans and changing my plans and etcetera until it’s too late for half of them. *sighs* I did terribly want to spend time with james today, I feel as if I’ve been neglecting everyone horribly.
Month: January 2004
Whee-hoo. I just went through my new heap of patterns. I could maybe afford to actually make myself a cloak sometime in the next 6 months. yay.
Course, as it looks like we’re going to have to boot the newest roomate for not covering his rent… *sighs* I dearly hope I get hired somewhere asap. Rumour says VanCity is hiring, but I’m going to have to seriously brush up on Excel and Microsoft Office like now. Won’t be too bad though. I hope I get it.
Wish me luck peoples, and happy new year!
newest rotation
Last night was loverly. Watched a chunk of the Bjork flick and was pleasantly surprised to see that it doesn’t implant bitey gerbils into your eyes when watched on a smaller screen. Made some soup, did a lot of nothing in particular. Then David showed up and we frolicked off for Adrians, where we spent the rest of the latenight setting off silly fireworks and groaning in pain at the MuchMoreRetro channel over a splendidly garlic dinner.
It doesn’t sound like much, but Dominique smooched me, so it’s better than your new years!