
Subject: another freelance gig

12/31 short strory writer

Co. name = get lost
Start date = immed
Schedule = no end
Salary = neg

Job Description = Invitation for submissions of stories for a unique travel book series.

We invite all authors and individuals to submit stories about their travels. We are particularly looking for stories about getting lost. The series we are working on is a travel guide based on peoples experiences of getting lost and the adventures which follow. Anyone can submit a story whether you are published author or a just an accidental traveler. All stories will be considered regardless of writers experience or expertise. Editors will be on hand to help create a fantastic end result. If your story is chosen, you will be notified and arrangements will be made as to pay etcS Stories may be any length but we may require either the writer or our editors to adjust to fit. The categories for this project are as follows (please include in the heading the location where you ³Got Lost²)

Getting lost in:

North America

South America


Southeast Asia




South Africa

Middle East

We would consider adding a new destination if we receive enough submissions.

If you would like to offer any suggestions or help as we develop this project into a living entity we welcome your thoughts.

Email @

If you need snail mail info please email directly and I will find the nearest location to you.

Thank you,

Address = Canada
Co. email = getlostworld@hotmail.com
contact = zazen

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from SEARCHgrads mailing list

Subject: US Card Company seeks freelance artists

11/16/03 Freelance Artists

Co. name = Kalan Lp
Start date = A.S.A.P
Schedule = Freelance Submissions
Salary =

Job Description = Freelance cartoonists, artists and copywriters wanted for a Greeting Card and Novelty Gift company. We are looking to revitalize our company with many new fresh original artists to add to our freelancing family. Our specialty is humor ranging from cute and subtle to slightly raunchy but not profane. Our primary target audience is girls/woman age 15-24. We offer $100 for each card idea purchased, $60 for each one-liner and cash advances and a royalty percentage for finished art work that is chosen. We prefer that you email copy/ art jpegs to editorial@kalanlp.com, or just drop us an email for our guidelines, but you can also fax submission to 610-623-0366, or feel free to mail art and Cds to Attn: Editor, 97 South Union Ave., Lansdowne Pa 19050.

Address = 97 South Union Ave.
Lansdowne, PA 19050
Co. email = editorial@kalanlp.com

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dine out vancouver

I’m going through the listings of Dine Out Vancouver. http://www.tourism-vancouver.org/docs/visit/dineout/ I’ve wanted to do it since I found out about it and it looks like I have a chance this year. I’d like to take as much advantage of it as possible, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to do much with the joblack cutting into my blood. Unfortunate, because I can barely think of a more pleasant thing to do with good friends than happily consume nummy posh vancouver food for cheap.

M’Love’s birthday is also coming up. He’s going to be a anumber I don’t wish to contemplate, but I’d like to make it special. I’m hoping I can save $80 and surprise him with a delectable evening.

jobhunt of january

I’m wandering about on-line, searching for someone who needs me. It’s seeming so futile that I can’t imagine how people find potential mates this way.

NEW AD – Help Wanted (01/15/04)
MILLIONAIRE MINDED? Local semi-retired millionaire looking for 2 key people to teach business to. Ph 1-877-347-2432

Nope – they can’t be wanting me. I think of the lottery is another tax. *sighs* It’s sunny outside. Liquid heat pouring through the windows. Bright and eyefilling. I considered writing about past amours today but decide the list is too wretched a thing to think about on a lovely day like this. Dammit Gavin – why can’t I remember your last name?

Help Wanted (01/09/04)
Graveyard Receptionist wanted. Must be reliable, responsible & organized. Duties incl. answering ph, data entry, booking appts & record keeping. N/s. Fax resume: Jet Set Escort

This one though – I could do that. I’m not againt the oldest proffession. I can type, take phonecalls and Graveyard is my favorite. Finally I could answer when I’m asked if I know any pretty single women. “Could I set you up with any? Sure! Claire only charges $35/hour – could you handle that??”