Mishka pops on-line this evening and starts me ranting about my relationship. Course, this is totally unhealthy at the moment because for CRYING OUT LOUD!
Today is not the day for this. I’m almost at the point of saying enough already.
Seriously, Dear Life – I doubt my life enough. Thanks, Jhayne.
No matter though. She’s doing her best to grasp the subtleties of unseen reactions. Course, in my ranting – we’re agreeing. Now I don’t know if she’s agreeing because she’s my best friend, because we partially raised eachother and therefore share similar illusions, or just, whatever. What I’d like to find out is what others think of some of these opinions. People who don’t blame things on people because they’re “guys” and don’t understand… Or that AIDS has changed the basic precepts of friend/sexuality… She thinks differently than I.
ANYhoo – I’m wondering what you opinion may be for certain situations that we’ve both been harping on this evening. These are all stituations we both have been part of. Just please tell me if you agree or disagree or whatever you like.
-if a girl sits in a boys lap, they must be dating
-snuggling between friends = sex
-if a friend kisses you on the shoulder cause they think you’re being wonderful = later you’re OBVIOUSLY having sex with them
-if a male is in a bed with a female friend, he must be thinking about sex.
-three or more poeple in a bed is unusual
-crashing in a heap of people, say – after a late party, could never be “innocent”
-there is no such thing as a male who cannot keep his hands off a girl asleep in his bed