Mishka pops on-line this evening and starts me ranting about my relationship. Course, this is totally unhealthy at the moment because for CRYING OUT LOUD!
Today is not the day for this. I’m almost at the point of saying enough already.
Seriously, Dear Life – I doubt my life enough. Thanks, Jhayne.
Day: January 29, 2004
[BAD SIGNAL]Final Thought Of The Night
bad signal
Final Thought Of The Night:
If you believe that your thoughts originate inside your brain —
do you also believe that television shows are made inside
your television set?
———- W
with fruit filling and chocolate on it with icing sugar, yeah
In my wanderings, I noticed the wonderful girl we met at the Meet-up, the lovely Alice, has friended me. Course, I went right away to say hello. Bad bit – now I really really REALLY want a Danish. Mmmmmmmmm..