Facebook Friend #2 - Jordan
Jordan is a theater technician and a hobbyist fencer. We met at the Cultch in 2001, when I helped mentor him as a teenager. Now he's one of the lead technicians there.
Jordan is a theater technician and a hobbyist fencer. We met at the Cultch in 2001, when I helped mentor him as a teenager. Now he's one of the lead technicians there.
I met Sandra through Warren Ellis in 2004. She lived with me briefly a few years later and has since lived bouncing back and forth between SF, where she met her wife, and Vancouver. In 2016, as part of her 50th birthday celebrations, Sandra decided to drop in for a portrait session. Aside from her work as a mental health advocate, Sandra is also a published author. I'm proud to say she's dedicated a book to me! You can check out some of her work at blueberrio.tumblr.com
David is another Livejournal friend and the author of a Nebula nominated novel, Superpowers. He lives in Minnesota and the day I took this picture is the day we finally met. I'm told he's usually shy, but I found him just as wickedly funny in person as he is on-line.
author books bookstore david facebook friend livejournal portrait shelves
Aleks, a programmer with a love of cephalopods, is one of my dearest friends. Like David, I met them as a member of The Iron Monkeys, the metal arts group I camped with at Burning Man. Though originally from Russia, Aleks has lived in Seattle almost their entire life and really typifies the city for me. This photo is of the first day of their first tattoo.
aleks burner cephlopod facebook friend octopus portrait tattoos
Julie is a Montreal based painter, designer, and occasional horticulturist who married one of my best friends, Michel. We met when I visited for their wedding in 2009 and I have adored her (and their multiplicity of cats) ever since. She's quiet, but don't be fooled, she's more mischievous than most.
Side note: I took her photo in front of Silo #5, the home of the Silophone: www.silophone.net/eng/about/desc.html
I met Mike when he mistook me for a model at a dance party when we were teenagers in Vancouver together, before he went off to travel the world as a video game designer. It's still one of the most flattering ways to meet a person I've encountered. He is back in Montreal now, which is slightly more convenient to visit than Santiago, and I am honoured to have such a clever and intelligent man as a friend. My favourite thing to share about Mike might be the collection of semi-precious stone spheres he displays to accurately represent the size of the planets of both our home system of Sol and that of the Star Wars universe.
Tillie is phenomenal, except when she does things like abandon home-made lesbian porn chessboards at your house which turn out to be nearly impossible to get rid of. Aside from that one thing, (which turned out to be pretty great anyway, as I held a successful Valentine's Day O-Face competition to get rid of it), I really appreciate Tilly. Once a shaved-head lesbian who wrote bad poetry, she's such a heavily blossoming human being now that it gives me hope for my body, for the wreckage of emotional scenery that surrounds it. If she had a job somewhere as a programmer, she would be the power-point perfect love interest for a Douglas Coupland character. She groans along with us at the more delightfully embarrassing habits she used to have, and it plucks out my hiding grin and shakes it in front of my face like a dusty rag.
This photo was taken at the Vancouver Folk Festival where she volunteers every year.
David's an actor transplanted from New York to Seattle where he's fit in quite well as a member of The Iron Monkeys, the metal arts group I camp with at Burning Man. Last year he played a mad doctor in a killer hummingbird movie. He currently works for the Seattle Asian Arts Center, so I took his portrait at the Sun Yat Sen gardens when he came to visit me in Vancouver.
Lori is another East Vancouver neighbor, sweet and sassy in equal measure. I've known her for years, but we didn't start really hanging out until she moved to a co-op three blocks away. I adore her and how much she loves children and big dogs. This year her hair's been perpetually in flux, always new colours and shapes, so it was extra interesting to take her picture with it all cut off. My favourite fact about Lori is that she's a big-rig truck driver because when she was little she wanted to grow up to be Optimus Prime.
Angel is a fierce pixie of a rock photographer who works hard to keep her life interesting. We met six or seven years ago at Captain Robert's birthday party. I seem to have a knack for running into her on Capitol Hill right before she has to run away to a shoot, but this photo was taken at the 9lb Hammer, a bar in Georgetown, where we spent the day together exploring a Carnival. Check out her portfolio at www.robotangel.com.
I'm not sure what to say about Karen, except that not only have I found her endlessly inspirational, I believe the world itself daily benefits from her wry grace. We have known each other on-line for somewhere around a decade, also through Livejournal, yet this picture is from the first day we met, (which is criminal). She recently stepped down as the Fiction Editor at Strange Horizons to take over writing for the BBC Dr. Who franchise, because that's just how she rolls, but most importantly, I love that The Time Before Meeting Karen now exists.
Josh is a security researcher I met at CanSecWest the year I joined in 2008. We've never lived in the same city, so outside the conference, we only get to visit when one of us is travelling. So far we've met up in Vancouver, Las Vegas, and SF. I'm hoping to see him (and his new baby!) next time I visit NYC.
I met Brian back when I occasionally blew stuff up for a living. He's a huge nerd in the best possible way, always making things and doing things and running workshops and keeping busy spreading his giant nerd love in fun, productive ways, as if his entire life carries a giant stamp marked I APPROVE.
Bob plays bass, sometimes lives with bunnies, and probably does other things related to the letter B. This picture was taken at the karaoke night he attends every week.
Wilson is easily one of my favourite people, as well as the co-founder and current editor of Cosmos magazine. We also met on-line, when I demanded an explanation as to why he had a photo taken with SpaceShipOne. The answer was simple; he's going into space. Read more about him on wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilson_da_Silva
My youngest brother, Kevin, who's grown up to be a Montreal metal-head. He turns 20 this year and for the first time, not only is he taller than me, his hair is longer than mine.
I met Micheal, a software engineer, musician, and exquisitely polite scamp, at the birthday party of one of his coworkers. He has since told me it was an influential night and a turning point in his life. I'm proud to have helped him become who he wants to be, no matter in how small a way.
Kate is a teacher, and extraordinarily clever. We met through her husband, Don. I always feel extra glad when she laughs at my puns.
Colin is an app designer from Toronto I met through OKCupid who is currently working on his own daily photo project, taking an architectural picture every day for a year.
My delightful, insightful, seamstress neighbor, who I met at the Fringe Festival so long ago I still walked with a cane. She is an endless source of inspiration.