11/365 - practicing self care
Sometimes the only correct size for a cup of tea is the same size as your head.
Sometimes the only correct size for a cup of tea is the same size as your head.
365 black and white cup jhayne self portrait tea towel woman
A flu epidemic has been dropping people in King County, filling the hospitals and sometimes killing people. We brought it back with us from Seattle. Today I can barely move, but at least there are kittens when I manage to be awake.
365 bed bedroom black and white flu girl ill illness jhayne kittens portrait sick sickness woman
Wilson is easily one of my favourite people, as well as the co-founder and current editor of Cosmos magazine. We also met on-line, when I demanded an explanation as to why he had a photo taken with SpaceShipOne. The answer was simple; he's going into space. Read more about him on wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilson_da_Silva
Colin is an app designer from Toronto I met through OKCupid who is currently working on his own daily photo project, taking an architectural picture every day for a year.
My delightful, insightful, seamstress neighbor, who I met at the Fringe Festival so long ago I still walked with a cane. She is an endless source of inspiration.