6/365 - suspended
Fighting against this flu has felt like I'm suspended above a chasm. If I fall, I will not recover to the same level of health I s…
2/365 - no strings could secure you
Maybe if I hide here, they can't make me leave Seattle.
1/365 - sitting in scarlet
Welcoming the new year in style. Many thanks to Scotland Symons for acting as my voice-activated tripod and taking this photo for…
Facebookiend #20 - Joshua
Josh is a security researcher I met at CanSecWest the year I joined in 2008. We've never lived in the same city, so outside the co…
Facebook Friend #9 - Brian
I met Brian back when I occasionally blew stuff up for a living. He's a huge nerd in the best possible way, always making things…
Facebook Friend #6 - Bob
Bob plays bass, sometimes lives with bunnies, and probably does other things related to the letter B. This picture was taken at th…
Facebook Friends: #10 - Wilson
Wilson is easily one of my favourite people, as well as the co-founder and current editor of Cosmos magazine. We also met on-line,…
Facebook Friend #3 - Kevin
My youngest brother, Kevin, who's grown up to be a Montreal metal-head. He turns 20 this year and for the first time, not only is…
Facebook Friend #8 - Michael
I met Micheal, a software engineer, musician, and exquisitely polite scamp, at the birthday party of one of his coworkers. He has…
Facebook Friend #5 - Kate
Kate is a teacher, and extraordinarily clever. We met through her husband, Don. I always feel extra glad when she laughs at my pun…
Facebook Friend #7 - Colin
Colin is an app designer from Toronto I met through OKCupid who is currently working on his own daily photo project, taking an arc…
Facebook Friends: #4 - "AJ" Juliet
My delightful, insightful, seamstress neighbor, who I met at the Fringe Festival so long ago I still walked with a cane. She is an…
Facebook Friend #1 - Erin
Erin is a talented illustrator currently working on a comic about Vikings. She and I met through Andrew, very likely at one of his…
Facebook Friend #2 - Jordan
Jordan is a theater technician and a hobbyist fencer. We met at the Cultch in 2001, when I helped mentor him as a teenager. Now he…
Pigs Have To Fly
A friend of a friend in Montreal asked for a "photo in black, white, and red to print large and hang in my bedroom". No other inpu…